Examples of Fall Prevention and Fall Protection

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Let us now look at some examples of both fall prevention and fall protection. The first example is that of the use of guard rails. You may notice that many new buildings today, as you look upon the roof, there will be a rail running around the perimeter of the roof. A good example of that effort, not allowing anyone to be able to fall over. Edge protections are also used, again, to keep people away from the edge of the building when working on the roof. Fall restraint systems are another good example. They are attached to a lanyard, normally every straight lanyard, of a fixed length that does not allow them to fall over. Airbags and nets. How many times do we see a construction site where the whole of the scaffolding has been covered over with netting, while inside the building itself because it still may be open plan, airbags will be fitted, so if someone was to fall by accident, we have minimised both the distance and the consequences of the accident.

However, in both of these cases, the people who fit these will need to make sure they are competent, and they are done correctly. Then we have the use of mobile elevating work platforms. A good way of reducing the chances of falling, for example, by using a ladder instead. These mechanical devices come in various sizes and shapes or for a particular purpose. Even the use of a platform fitted to a forklift if done correctly is another example. Then we look at the equipment that people wear themselves, such as a safety harness with a lanyard, whether that could be a lanyard for full restraint or for arrest system. So, there are a few examples of what we could do to both minimise, reduce, or avoid working at height.