Inspecting a Portable Ladder

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Now we're going to inspect a portable ladder. The first step is to find the label. This label confirms this is a class one industrial, duty rating is 130 kilograms, a maximum static vertical load is 175 kilograms, and even confirms the inclination of how this ladder should be used. That label is the most important part of the ladder. It confirms that it is to the correct standard, and therefore the information on there needs to be clear and legible.

Next, there'll be an additional label on this other side. It confirms, again, it is industrial, but it now gives me a bit of guidance on how to use it safely. So it's always worth making sure that we can see this clearly, that it is a good reference, a good reminder, could even be used as a toolbox talk to ensure the person use this ladder knows how to do so safely in the way which it's designed to do so.

Next is the visual check. So split the ladder up, put onto the side, and we're checking the sides where the strings as it can be known, and we're looking for any wear and tear, any damage, any dents, indentations. Checking the feet, are the rubbers in the heel of this ladder? Once I've checked all the way down each side, check the opposite side, again, for any wear and tear. Feel and check, make sure there are no dents, anything that is damage to this ladder.

Once we completed the sides, move on now to what we call the rounds, where people step on, and you're physically trying to twist each one to ensure it is nice and secure. Again, with a visual check looking to see, there's no damage, no creases, no cuts, nothing that could make the integrity of this ladder be compromised at all.

So now imagine I now check the whole of this one. Once I'm happy, put it back together again, and then next we need to record this information. Where there'll be a label on here and a seal number. The seal number then will correspond to your paperwork. You can then confirm it is passed the test, pass on that information to anybody who is gonna use it, so they know where they can check the record to ensure they're always using this piece of equipment in a safe and a correct manner.